Thanksgiving Week ~

I can’t believe I have been at my job for two full weeks!

I can’t believe I am off all this week! And Ron has the week off too!! We have been relaxing a lot but also keeping some appointments – Monday I had my eyes examined ~ the best part was hearing that there is no diabetes retinopathy showing ~ the doctor was amazed that after 28 years of getting the diabetes diagnosis that my eye is clear! and for that I am so thankful!!!

I’m so thankful for insurance as I had no out of pocket cost to get my new glasses and they should be ready for pickup on my birthday ~ what a great birthday gift to be able to see a bit clearer!!!

I do have to say the first two weeks of being back at work full time was EXHAUSTING! to say the least ~ I don’t think I have gone to bed so early so often for a long time but by the end of the second week I was waking up before the alarm was due to go off. It is nice to be back in an office setting and working alongside others with a common goal – to give the kids the best school experience as possible!

I’m thankful for this week off yet I’m also excited to be looking forward to going into work next Monday and learn more of the alphabet soup and how I can assist those on the front lines!

I finished up ~ sort of my Bible study on 1 Thessolonians ~ I say sort of because I missed the last two classes as I took a nap before going to bed! 🥰. I am thankful for sisters in the Lord who understand life happens and we don’t always do the things we commit to doing.

But GOD knows how to encourage me ~ another friend invited me to start a daily Bible study through “One story that leads to Jesus” – it is all done on my phone or tablet and so this past Monday I jumped into that study ~ and I say But God because the study picked up with scripture from I Thessalonians 5:16-18 and also 2 Corinthians chapters 5 & 6

Be cheerful NO MATTER WHAT!
Pray without stopping
Don’t let the circumstances of the day control my feelings or actions
Don’t be a grumbler NO MATTER WHAT (Ali’s translation)

and then in Psalm 1

and I read:

Be excited in living life! (Ali’s translation)

Ron and I had to go get some blood work done yesterday and so we went for a little drive ~ we do our best talking in the confines of our truck 😂 and we talked about how we are both thankful for where we are living, for our jobs, being near family, finding a new church home and just so at peace here in Land O Lakes, Florida.

We talked about the last year – all the twists and turns our journey took, the move to Kentucky to what we thought was our “dream job” to the circumstances of getting this guy

who makes us smile and gets me out to walk three or four times a day, who greets me at the door when I get home from work while dancing circles of joy (or hinting he needs to potty). We give thanks that God not only brought us through a scary time of Ron being in the hospital in an unknown area but healing his leg to all that remains is a little round scar

with no residual complications to being able to see three of our grandsons whenever we want, to have family dinners with them and their folks and times of celebrations with not only us but also Danalyn’s folks – there is something to be said about having family nearby!

Don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t trade our years of traveling around the US, all the people we have met along the way, memories made with so many and in so many different locations – each one with its joys and special memories but there is a special peace of not worrying about tire blow outs or hitches that break.

This last year has been filled with ups and downs, smiles and frowns but through it all we have seen the wonderful hand of Jesus holding us, encouraging us, blessing us and reminding us we have much to be thankful for!

I remember beginning this book

many years ago and not finishing it but as I have focused this year on being grateful and being intentional in giving thanks not only for the “good” things but also for the hard times as the journey through the hard times as brought me/us to a place of peace and contentment.

I think back to many of the conversations (emails) I have shared with my bestie about how hard or difficult a time was and she would say remember “God hasn’t failed you yet and he won’t fail you now.” I am so thankful for her encouragement and our friendship, as well as so many others that I am blessed beyond measure!

I hope during this week where the focus in on
that you can find reason to give thanks
even during the hard times

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About Me

Daughter of the King. Wife of almost 48 years. Mom to two: Jamie & Brandon. Mom-in-love to two Suzanne and Danalyn. Grammy to five: Max, Opal, Christopher, Treyson and Alexander with bonus Granddaughter Malarie.

Crocheter, writer, reader and people lover.
